BDK's Break the Bank places 2nd in the Open Gun Dog Stake at the 2008 GSPCA National Field Trial.
Prairie Wind's Queen of Jazz places third. Both dogs are owned by Keith and Bobbi Richardson and were handled by Eldon Hongo.
Prairie Wind Eat Mya Dus places third in the Open Gun Dog stake at the GSPC of Colorado trial over the weekend of October 3-5, 2008. l. She is owned by Keith and Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Eldon Hongo.
BDK's Break the Bank - "Breaker" wins the Amateur Gun Dog at the GSPC of Colorado over the weekend of October 3-5, 2008.
Prairie Wind's Queen of Jazz places fourth. Both dogs are owned by Keith and Bobbi Richardson and were handled by Keith.
Prairie Wind's Zackly Right - "Zack" wins 2008 Region 8 AA Championship. He is owned and bred by Keith and Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Eldon Hong.
Up n' Adams Prairie Wind (Keith) finishes his Show Championship. Keith is owned and bred by Katrin and Tom Tazza of Up N'Adam Kennels and is sired by Prairie Wind's Zackly Right. Keith has both his puppy and Derby points. Watch for him at this years National Field Trial!